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Aboriginal Dreamtime of Rainbow Serpent - Endemically Feral Commonwealth

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

This artwork is a call to appreciate Australian aboriginal culture and unique fauna.

For many thousands of years before European discovery Australia was inhabited by indigenous Australians. In Arnhem Land (Northern Territory) has been found the world oldest stone axe, which scholars believe to be 35,500 years old. Aboriginal way of life included complex societies and economies, about 250 native languages, painting and wood carving art, songs, music and dance, and one of the oldest continuing religious belief in the world, known as Dreamtime which continues to be a cultural influence today. It is believed that cosmic creator God-Rainbow Serpent arrived and created mountains, rivers and everything else. Dreamtime was transferred verbally from generation to generation and places a heavy emphasis on belonging to the land.

In common myth Rainbow serpent swallows two Wawalag sisters, but later regurgitates them after being bitten by an ant, this act creates Arnhem Land. Then Serpent speaks in their voices and teaches sacred rituals to the people living there.

After the Dutch discovery of Australia in 1606, it was claimed as a colony in 1770 by Great Britain and settled by removal and relocation of convicts till 1848.

There was a catastrophic indigenous population decline after European settlement (from 1,250,000 in 1788 to 50,000 in 1930, due to infectious diseases, forced relocation, conflict with settlers and genocidal government policies, hypocritically called "Aboriginal Protection Act, which between 1910 and 1970 resulted in the forced removal of over 20,000 Aboriginal children from their families - referred as the "Stolen Generation".

Aboriginal traditional ownership of land was recognized in the law only in 1992. Later, In 2008, Australian Government officially apologized to Indigenous Australians for the act that resulted in Stolen Generation.

Among well-known endemic Australian animals are the monotremes (the egg laying mammals-the platypus and echidna) a host of marsupials-mammals with pouch (kangaroo , koala, Tasmanian devil, wombat etc), and birds such as emu, palm cockatoo, and magpie that can be found in this artwork.

Many words of aboriginal Eora people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area, that still in use today include: dingo (dog), woomera (throwing spear) boomerang (L-shaped multipurpose tool) corroboree (singing and dancing ceremony of interaction with Dreamtime), wallaby, wombat, boobook (owl) and waratah (flower) picured in the lower center of sculpture.

Among the feral animals introduced by Western settlers are rabbit, toad, cattle, horse, camel, sheep etc. Rabbits were introduced to Australia with First Fleet and eventually became a serious ecological disaster for local flora, fauna and land.

Today Australia is one of largest producers of beef, lamb and merino wool in the global economy.

® 2017-2018 Australian Jarrah wood sculpture, dye and paint. 36" x 60" (91x152cm)

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