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Double dose of American Smile - Virtual Reality

Updated: Mar 14, 2018

It is a talent to successfully advertise and convince the world to dream your kind of dream, strive for your lifestyle, consume your type of food and drink, breathe your brand of smoke, watch your movies and TV, wish to graduate from your universities, appreciate your sort of “modern art,” listen to your kind of music, believe in your version of democracy, and trust in the safety of your currency.

This is especially amazing for a civilization with a short history full of uncivilized acts: the genocide of its native population, legislated racism and slavery, nuclear weapon use, and aggressive wars. Also amazing for a nation known for its high obesity rates, faulty education system, overuse of drugs, and highly indebted population and government.

I hope that promoters of America someday will understand the emptiness of materialism and unite their energy for higher cause. Mass enlightenment might ensue.

I love America, not for its advertising talents, but for the freedom (or what’s left of it) and the energy that’s exists in the “melting pots” of immigrants from diverse civilizations. Mostly, I value the American Smile. Worldwide, the smile singles out the American.

A smile is an innate human expression of happiness and friendliness. It is the safest medicine, so let’s share it and pass it on.

©2013 acrylic, aluminum/fiberglass/banknotes 36”x60”(152x91cm)

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